How to use notepad++ on text files
How to use notepad++ on text files

how to use notepad++ on text files

Encode/Decode URL Query String in Notepad++.Notepad++ Save Failed - Please check if this file is opened in another program.Go to Line Number option in Windows Notepad.How to add or remove bookmark on a line in and you would see that they getting highlighted, or go to Menu: Languages -> P -> Python, see the demo gif example below, How to Syntax highlight Python Code in Notepad++ In order to download Notepad++ go to their official download page: and download a 64bit setup (I hope by now everyone is using 64bit operating systems 😊), just follow the simple instructions and get it installed. Note that Notepad++ is only supported on Windows Operation system if you are using Unix, Linux or macOS you do not have Notepad++ support. You can create shortcuts that can help you execute Pyton.exe that will inturn compile and execute your code.

how to use notepad++ on text files

So Notepad++ is mostly a "developer friendly text editor", useful for coders!.

  • And yes, there are loads of plugins that you can make use of.
  • Provides various line operations such as sorting based on alpahabets, case conversion uppercase, lowercase, camel case, sentence case e.t.c.
  • how to use notepad++ on text files

  • It have as very powerful Find and Replace text options with support for regular expressions.
  • It will guide you to indent your code, with Python its really very important.
  • it will autosave the files for you, even the once whom you did not save as drafts.
  • It can be used to edit multiple text files at a time.
  • Can do Syntax highlighting for various programming languages and file types, Python too :).
  • Notepad++ is an open source text editor which is able to do a lot more than just editing texts, Notepad++ can, Let's see how, before starting let's know what Notepad++ is, you can skip this part if you are already aware of this tool. Can Notepad++ compile and execute Python code? Well technically yes, we can make it do that.

    How to use notepad++ on text files